Boothbay Region Source Water Protection

Funding Round/Year: 
Project Sponsor: 
Boothbay Region Water District
MNRCP Region: 
Central Interior and Midcoast
Total Cost of Project: 
MNRCP Award: 
Project Type: 
Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Project Description: 
The Boothbay Region Water District purchased and preserved a 68-acre parcel with forested upland, wetlands and a stream corridor. After purchase, the district restored approximately 600 linear feet of stream that had been impacted by logging operations/roads. Runoff and erosion problems beyond the stream corridor were also addressed using best management practices. The property is adjacent to Adams Pond, the Boothbay Region's primary public water supply, and other lands held by the water district for source water protection, along with state-recognized high value habitats.