Caribou Bog - Birmingham

Funding Round/Year: 
Project Sponsor: 
Orono Land Trust/Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
MNRCP Region: 
Central Interior and Midcoast
Old Town
Total Cost of Project: 
MNRCP Award: 
Project Type: 
Fee Acquisition
vernal pool
Project Description: 
This project involved the fee acquisition of 189 acres of wetland and upland forested buffer. This parcel is within the Caribou Bog Wetland Complex state focus area and will be added to the Caribou Bog Wildlife Management Area held by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The property will also protect two vernal pools and vernal pool critical terrestrial habitat. The property contains the largest remaining unprotected wetland habitat of the domed bog portion of Caribou Bog (37.3 acres) and is contiguous with 3,344 acres of conserved land. The Domed Bog Ecosystem of Caribou Bog is a State Exemplary Natural Commumty. The Caribou Bog Wetland Complex as a whole is considered the third most significant peatland in Maine.