Funding Round/Year:
Project Sponsor:
Atlantic Salmon Federation
MNRCP Region:
Central and Western Mountains
Total Cost of Project:
MNRCP Award:
Project Type:
Dam Removal
Project Description:
This project will removed the Walton’s Mill Dam located on Temple
Stream, a tributary of the Sandy River in the Kennebec River watershed. The project restored
access to approximately 46 miles of high-quality stream habitat for endangered Atlantic salmon,
brook trout, American eel, and other species. The project also re-established aquatic organism
connectivity between Temple Stream and the Sandy River and restored natural
ecological function and processes to Temple Stream, including sediment transport and movement
of large wood, benefiting a variety of native fish and wildlife. After the dam removal (2022),
approximately 3.5 acres of Town-owned land is is the process of transitioning from open water
impoundment to vegetated wetland consisting of freshwater emergent, scrub-shrub, and forested
wetland. This wetland enhancement will provide increased functions and values, including
improved nutrient and sediment filtration and improved wildlife habitat.