With MNRCP support, the Upper St. John River Organization (USJRO) protected wetlands and associated upland habitats on a town owned parcel in Frenchville via acquisition of a conservation easement. USJRO is the conservation easement holder and will monitor and maintain the property. The project protected approximately 120 total acres including freshwater forested wetlands, scrub-shrub wetlands, emergent wetlands, and open water habitat associated with beaver flowages. The wetlands are full of insect and bird life such as great-blue heron, cedar waxwings, various ducks, and several species of dragonflies and damselflies. The remainder of the property consists of forested upland buffer. The property also includes frontage on East Fork Dickey Brook, a perennial stream. Mapped Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat is present along Dickey Brook. Additional stream habitat is located in the southern portion of the parcel. Although it is not adjacent to any other conservation land, the property is part of an undeveloped block of land that connects two wetland systems and drainages with forested upland, in a landscape that is otherwise heavily agricultural.