Tiger Hill Forest

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
The Trust for Public Land/Loon Echo Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Southern Maine
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

Conservation of the 1,417-acre Tiger Hill Forest, located less than an hour from Portland, will help protect significant aquatic resources and the water quality of Sebago Lake, a source of drinking water for over 1/6th of Maine residents. The property contains two substantial wetland complexes and nearly three miles of the Northwest River, which flows into Sebago Lake. Two streams on the property support eastern brook trout, landlocked salmon, and a smelt spawning run. Tiger Hill forest includes a 30-acre high value Inland Wading Bird and Waterfowl (IWW) habitat in its entirety and portions of two additional IWW habitats.<br />
The property is adjacent to the Cold Rain Pond and Northwest River Wildlife Management Areas, owned and managed by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. . The property is currently listed for sale and the landowners were actively looking to sell the land, likely to real estate developers. Tiger Hill Forest is located in one of the most rapidly developing parts of the State. Since 2000, Sebago and surrounding towns have experienced more than twice the growth rate of Maine as a whole over the same period of time. Much of the surrounding road frontage near the property has experienced recent development. Given the sandy soils and primarily upland condition of the property, residential development is the most likely future of the land if not protected. In partnership with local residents, Loon Echo Land Trust, and the Town of Sebago, The Trust for Public Land will facilitate the acquisition of the 1,417-acre property. Loon Echo Land Trust will acquire the property directly from the current landowners and will manage it for recreational uses and as a community forest, with 500 foot buffers maintained to protect aquatic resources.