Josias Woods

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
York Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Southern Maine
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

The project consists of 9 wooded parcels totaling about 103 acres located off of Josiah Norton Road in York, adjacent to thousands of acres of conservation land owned by York Land Trust, MDIFW and other entities. It is within a 5,441-acre unfragmented forest block, near MDIF&W's Mt. Agamenticus Wildlife Management Area and within the Mt. Agamenticus Beginning with Habitat Focus Area where a coalition of 10 conservation partners has been protecting land since 2002. The Conservation Plan for the MtA2C area has been placed in the Town of York’s Comprehensive Plan. The Town’s Comprehensive Plan makes references to the significance of the greater Mt. A region and the Town’s interest in protecting more land here. By purchasing the property, York Land Trust will eliminate the threat of development of the land into a 14-lot subdivision (based on an engineered concept plan). York Land Trust will manage the property for habitat and low-impact recreation such as hiking and bird watching on existing woods trails.