This project conserved a 50-acre parcel adjacent to other conservation lands through fee acquisition with subsequent habitat enhancement. The project builds on extensive work by the York Land Trust to conserve land and safeguard the drinking water supply in the Mount Agamenticus region, and was their first attempt to restore stream and wetland habitat. The land trust hired Truslow Resource Consulting, LLC to develop a wetland and habitat enhancement and restoration plan for the property. They own and manage the property to provide wildlife habitat, opportunities for scientific and educational research, public recreation, and as a ground water recharge area for the Kittery Water District. MNRCP funds were awarded in December 2010 for the majority of the project costs, with additional funds raised from private sources. The land trust purchased the property in December 2011 and completed the restoration and enhancement work in 2012 which included removal of a road crossing and restoration of the stream channel, removal of slash and debris in severl wetland areas, along with creation of nesting areas.