The project involved the purchase of two parcels of high value habitat by the Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT). The parcels total 87 acres, with 1900 feet of shore on two coves in Harpswell. The larger of the two parcels is the largest remaining undeveloped area in South Harpswell. The properties are located at the southern end of Harpswell Neck in the Town of Harpswell, a part of Harpswell Neck that has largely been developed. The parcel abutting the northern project parcel was approved for subdivision into residential lots. Without conservation, the project parcels would likely be developed as well. The properties contain a mix of coastal and freshwater wetland types and the coves have been mapped as significant tidal waterfowl and wading bird habitat by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and as high value shellfish habitat by the Maine Department of Marine Resources. Stewardship of the property will be provided by HHLT, which will manage the property in perpetuity as a natural preserve.