
Past Projects

Since its launch in 2008, the Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) has awarded over $30 million in competitive grants to non-profit groups, municipalities and public agencies to help restore, enhance and preserve wetlands and other important habitats at 170 project sites across Maine. This section provides a look at past projects that have been funded.

Past Projects
Project Title Project Sponsor Funding Round/Year MNRCP Funds Awarded MNRCP Region Project Type
Wallamatogus - Great Heath Blue Hill Heritage Trust 2011 $150,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Crooked River - Robie Meadows Western Foothills Land Trust 2011 $69,500 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Jam Black Brook culvert replacement Trout Unlimited 2011 $69,700 Central Interior and Midcoast Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage
Little Cobbossee Lake - Oatway Kennebec Land Trust 2011 $155,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Merriland River Corridor - Highpine Town of Wells 2011 $119,250 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Mt Agamenticus Wetlands II Great Works Regional Land Trust 2011 $73,180 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Pushaw Lake Fishway Atlantic Salmon Federation, Maine Council 2011 $50,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fishway Construction
East Branch Piscataqua River, Upper Town of Falmouth 2010 $229,285 Southern Maine Fee and conservation easement acquisition
Flanders Stream Connectivity Project Town of Sullivan 2010 $50,000 Downeast Maine Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage
Bell Marsh Wetlands, York York Land Trust, Inc. 2010 $298,907 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Maquoit Bay - Henshaw Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust 2010 $150,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Conservation Easement Acquisition
Granite State Wetlands Great Works Regional Land Trust 2010 $100,000 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
McKenna - Whiskeag Creek Kennebec Estuary Land Trust 2010 $240,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Kanokolus Bog North Sebasticook Regional Land Trust 2010 $36,200 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Morse Pond - Collins Kennebec Estuary Land Trust 2010 $38,800 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Great Meadow Stream Smithfield Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance, Inc. 2010 $119,794 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Muscongus Bk Webber Pond Kennebec County Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 $150,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage
Pisgah Hill Conservation Area - Hobson 2 Royal River Conservation Trust 2010 $25,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Spectacle/Dam Ponds Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife 2010 $186,857 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Steele Forest Addition Kennebunkport Conservation Trust 2010 $75,000 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Basin and Curtis Coves Harpswell Heritage Land Trust 2010 $200,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Clifford Park- Boutin City of Biddeford 2010 $110,000 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Blackman Stream Atlantic Salmon Federation, Maine Council 2009 $20,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fishway Construction
Brookings Bay Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife 2009 $66,903 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Clark Island Wetlands Restoration Maine Coastal Habitat Foundation 2009 $107,937 Central Interior and Midcoast Fill removal, restoration