Caribou Bog Central

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Orono Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Old Town
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

The Caribou Bog Central project conserved approximately 882 acres of land in the Caribou Bog Wetland Complex (CBWC), which extends about 10 miles from Bangor to Alton and covers almost 6,000 acres. The project parcel was the only remaining major parcel of the CBWC not yet conserved, and its acquisition and conservation has nearly completed conservation of the entire CBWC. The project protected approximately 454 acres of freshwater forested wetland, 280 acres of freshwater scrub-shrub wetland, and 1.3 acres of freshwater emergent wetland, with the balance of the acreage consisting of upland buffer. The parcel contains two vernal pools on an 86-acre upland portion, as well as a major spotted salamander breeding and summering habitat immediately adjacent to this upland in the lagg area of the CBWC and an adjacent older-growth coniferous forest wetland. The property includes approximately 7,000 linear feet of stream which is mapped as brook trout habitat. The parcel is bordered to the north and south by existing conservation lands and is located within the Caribou Bog Wetland Complex Beginning with Habitat Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance.

Photo of domed Bog Ecosystem at Caribou Bog