The 42.8-acre Scribner parcel in Otisfield was protected by the Western Foothills Land Trust (WFLT) as part of ongoing efforts to protect the watershed of the Crooked River, which provides 39% of the surface water into Sebago Lake, which in turn provides clean drinking water to over 200,000 Mainers in the greater Portland area. The property includes approximately 16.1 acres of freshwater forested wetland, 2.4 acres of freshwater scrub-shrub wetland, and 1.3 acres of freshwater open water wetland, with the balance consisting of forested uplands. The property also includes approximately 1,700 feet of frontage on the Crooked River. The Scribner parcel is adjacent to 271 acres of working forest lands already owned by the WFLT on the Crooked River (Fogg, Oak Hill, and Watkins South parcels). Combined with the neighboring conserved lands, the parcels protect approximately 2 contiguous miles of river shoreline. The property is located just north of the Jugtown Plains Beginning with Habitat Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance.