Fogg Island Preserve Expansion - Karabin

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
7 Lakes Alliance
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Mount Vernon
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

Through this project, approximately 100 acres of land was protected in the Belgrade Lakes region, including approximately 6.8 acres of freshwater emergent wetland, 50.7 acres of freshwater forested wetland, and 8.2 acres of freshwater scrub-shrub wetland, with the balance of the property consisting of upland buffer. The property includes over 5000' of frontage on Ingham Pond and Ingham Stream, and mapped Inland Wading Bird and Waterfowl Habitat. Portions of the property are also part of an exemplary Unpatterned Fen Ecosystem mapped by the Maine Natural Areas Program. The property is adjacent to the Osada property, which was also protected with funding from MNRCP in 2019. Together, the two properties abut the existing Fogg Island Preserve, creating a 7 Lakes Alliance preserve that exceeds 600 acres and provides local-scale habitat connectivity and a large undeveloped block of wildlife habitat.

Photo of wetlands on the Karabin property