The Frenchman Bay Forest (FBF) project conserved approximately 1,430 acres of land by fee simple acquisition. The FBF includes approximately 150 acres of freshwater wetland, including large areas of forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands, with the balance of the acreage consisting of upland buffer. The western and eastern boundaries of the FBF have frontage on perennial streams, including Egypt Stream to the east and an unnamed tributary to Kilkenny Stream to the west. Egypt Stream contains documented wild brook trout habitat. FBF also contains Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat along the stream on the western boundary as well as a mapped Deer Wintering Area in the northern portion of the site. The FBF is located within a large (nearly 25,000 acres) undeveloped habitat block and borders the Taunton Bay Beginning with Habitat Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance. It also borders the Downeast Sunrise Trail on its northern boundary. Anecdotal observations of wildlife on the property suggest that its mixed wetlands and uplands provide excellent native plant forage for pollinating insects and habitat for diverse mammals and amphibians.