Little Cobbossee Lake - Weston

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Kennebec Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

The Little Cobossee Lake - Weston project conserved approximately 50 acres of land on the west shore of Little Cobossee Lake adjacent to the Oatway Preserve, which is also conserved by Kennebec Land Trust and was previously protected using MNRCP funds. The property includes approximately 9.6 acres of freshwater wetland, including forested and emergent wetlands, and ~1,500 linear feet of perennial streams and unmapped ephemeral drainages, with the balance consisting of upland buffer. The project protects two rare plants that are found in the shallows along the lake shore: Columbian water-meal (Wolffia columbiana) and pointed water-meal (Wolffia brasilensis). The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has mapped Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat along the lake and Deer Wintering Area in the upland forest. The area along the western shore of Little Cobbossee Lake is also part of a large undeveloped habitat block, and the protection of this property helps preserve wildlife habitat connectivity in the area.

Photo of forested wetlands on the Little Cobossee Lake, Weston project