This project involved the purchase of approximately 229 acres with 2,035 feet of frontage on the Magalloway River. This parcel is characterized by forested, scrub shrub and emergent wetlands, several tributaries to the Magalloway River, a vernal pool, an open water pond and adjacent uplands overshadowed by the surrounding Diamond Peak and Halfmoon Mountains. The wetland areas are part of a large exemplary un-patterned Fen Ecosystem that extends to the south and west. The parcel abuts the Dartmouth College Grant, a designated natural area in New Hampshire. It also is due north of the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge and abuts the designated refuge acquisition zone along the southern parcel border. In addition to its rich aquatic resources, the parcel also serves as vital habitat for a wide range of wildlife species including Canada Lynx, white-tailed deer, black bear, Bald Eagles and more. Aside from large timber interests in the area, this parcel is one of the last contiguous, undeveloped parcels that afford important natural resource values critical to wetland protection while continuing the traditional values of human enjoyment. Additionally, the Dartmouth College Grant parcel has a successful, rich history in managing its 20,000 acres for natural resources and recreation. Knowing that natural resources defy state lines, Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust plans to reach out to Dartmouth, whose guidance from NH Fish and Game, and the Nature Conservancy, demonstrate collective management strategies conducive to long term sustainable wetlands and forests for the benefit of future generations and our natural resources. The intention of the acquisition is to conserve he rich natural resources that characterize this parcel through responsible and sustainable land management practices while providing public access for recreation in perpetuity.