Montsweag Brook Restoration Project

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
The Chewonki Foundation
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Dam Removal
Project Description

This project removed lower Montsweag Dam to restore fish passage and riverine functions to Montsweag Brook to re-establishe native riparian habitat in an area flooded by a 20-acre impoundment. The Chewonki Foundation, which owned the dam and all of the land immediately abutting the impoundment, engaged Stantec Consulting to design the removal, secure necessary permits, and provide technical oversight. Chewonki secured significant additional funding for the project from state, federal and private sources. MNRCP funds were awarded in December 2009 to support the dam removal, habitat restoration, and long-term monitoring. Chewonki completed demolition of the dam in November 2010, conducted enrichment seeding of native riparian species, and actively monitored the lower watershed to track the results of their restoration efforts, including extensive plant growth in the formerly ponded area.

Montsweag Dam Removal