This project involved the purchase of approximately 123 acres on either side of Middlesex Road in Topsham by the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust (BTLT). The property consists of two long linear parcels. The northern parcel has frontage on the Cathance River (±2,000 feet), and the southern parcel has frontage along the Muddy River (±1,000 feet). The project area is located within the Kennebec Estuaryfocus area of statewide significance and contains portions of two large undeveloped blocks. Wetland and aquatic features on the property include forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands, as well as small amounts of riverine tidal wetland (R1U) and ephemeral and tidal streams. Several potential vernal pools were also noted and subsequent surveys confirmed 7 vernal pools. There are mapped Freshwater Tidal Marsh and several rare plants associated with freshwater tidal marshes, along both the Cathance and Muddy River segments of the parcels. The parcels abut previously conserved lands and are part of a larger effort to conserve a conservation corridor along the Muddy and Cathance Rivers. To date, more than 1,500 acres have been conserved along these rivers in Topsham. This property will be managed for ecological functions and low impact recreation.