This project will conserve, by fee acquistion, approximately 84 acres along the Penjajawoc Marsh in Bangor, with subsequent enhancement of a small emergent wetland. In 2001 the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife surveyed Penjajawoc Marsh and reported that it "could be the single-most significant emergent marsh for water birds in Maine." More recently, Maine Audubon has nominated Penjajawoc Marsh for recognition as an Important Bird Area. This parcel is within the Caribou Bog Wetland Complex statewide focus area and adjoins a 181-acre Bangor Land Trust preserve to the north. A trailer park and privately owned farmland are to the south. The landowner is a family-owned company that invests in and develops real estate. They are willing to sell to Bangor Land Trust, but if the trust does not purchase the parcel, it will almost certainly be developed. Preservation of upland within 2,000 feet of the Marsh, including the small feeder streams and their riparian zones, will help prevent further degradation of water quality in Penjajawoc Marsh and Stream. Groundwater recharge over this 2,000-foot wide strip will feed the water table under Penjajawoc Stream and facilitate healthy, steady, water flow throughout the year. A natural buffer of this size will also help prevent flooding, and remove sediments washing off the road, including toxic substances related to traffic and road maintenance. Prevention of residential development within 2,000 feet of the marsh will avoid the introduction of fertilizers and toxic lawn care products into the Marsh and prevent fragmentation of upland habitat. This project will help protect Penjajawoc Marsh’s unique, outstandingly productive waterfowl and wading bird habitat.