The Louderback Headwater Wetlands Project consists of a 160 acre fee acquisition located between the Lower Sheepscot River and Salt Bay Focus Areas of Statewide Ecological Significance. The property is undeveloped and consists of mature forest land with a large central wetland complex that is the headwater for a major tributary to Sherman Marsh. Protection of this property, especially in the context of several other properties conserved as part of the RiverLink effort, will contribute significantly to the ecological sustainability of the Sherman Marsh watershed. Project area uplands are readily developable. Degradation of these buffering uplands would impact the functions and values of the wetlands, associated stream habitats, and ultimately the tidal waters downstream. Protection of this property will complete a network of conserved lands that connect the Sherman Marsh Wildlife Management Area eastward to Dodge Point State Park and southerly to the town of Boothbay. This linkage will complete one of the longest continual stretches of conserved lands in the mid-coast region. The property itself includes nearly 100 acres mapped as Significant Wildlife Habitat, and a variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitat types capable of supporting a diversity of listed Species of Greatest Conservation Need. The property also includes an Ironwood-Oak-Ash Woodland natural community type (rare in ME).