The project conserves 6 acres of upland and forested wetland and an adjoining 10 acres of estuarine intertidal wetland. The property is an approved, 4 lot subdivision, so is under threat of development. It is adjacent to 82 acres of land in the process of being conserved through a conservation easement with Frenchman Bay Conservancy, and an additional with a pending conservation easement, and proximal to another 85 acres with two additional pending conservation easements. This property is one and a half mile west of the Donnell Pond Maine State Reserve, and it comprises a portion of the tidal estuary that is connected to this state reserve by Card Mill Stream. The property lies within the Taunton Bay Beginning with Habitat focus area of ecological significance. Conserving Spring Point would protect critically important tidal waterfowl and wading bird habitat, seabird habitat, and anadromous fish habitat. The project area includes a portion of the tidal estuary on the downstream end of the Card Mill Stream and Long Pond Brook watersheds in Franklin and Sullivan that encompass both Donnell Pond and Schoodic Bog. The project area provides particularly high value habitat for numerous state and federal species of concern, with documented sightings of American Black Duck, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Canada Goose, Wood Duck, and Common Eider. Twelve foot tidal amplitude provides ice free overwintering for high priority waterfowl. Much of the Bay is feeding habitat, and the project parcels also provide valuable roosting habitat.