Walnut Hill IV-Roberts

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Three Rivers Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Southern Maine
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

This project involves fee acquisition of a 93-acre parcel adjacent to the Sousa Preserve, which was purchased by Three Rivers Land Trust (3RLT) with an award by MNRCP in 2013. It is within the Walnut Hill Focus Area of statewide ecological significance and is the fourth purchase by 3RLT in this focus area, bringing the total conserved area to over 414 acres in an area containing numerous and varied wetlands, vernal pools and habitat for rare and endangered species. A fifth project involved the restoration of a stream and floodplain wetlands that had been impacted by fill and a failing culvert. The Roberts parcel contains a network of extensive forested wetlands with scrub-shrub and emergent areas and nine vernal pools. Inland waterfowl and wading bird habitat on the parcel connects to a large wetland to the southwest. A recent harvest prior to purchase by 3RLT came close to several vernal pools. Had 3RLT not purchased the property it would likely have been sold either for residential development or as a wood lot and its habitat could have been seriously damaged by overly-aggressive forestry. The property will be managed for conservation, with particular attention paid to the vernal pools, and for passive, low-impact recreation.

Walnut Hill wetland