Ogunquit Headwater Wetlands

Funding Round/Year: 
Project Sponsor: 
Great Works Regional Land Trust
MNRCP Region: 
Southern Maine
South Berwick and York
Total Cost of Project: 
MNRCP Award: 
Project Type: 
Conservation Easement Acquisition
Forested wetlands on the Ogunquit Headwater Wetlands site, photo by Maine Natural Areas Program
Project Description: 
The Ogunquit Headwater Wetlands project conserved 49.1 acres of land by conservation easement acquisition. The site includes: approximately 26 acres of freshwater forested wetlands; two confirmed vernal pools including one Significant Vernal Pool with most of its Critical Terrestrial Habitat; ephemeral streams that are tributaries to the Ogunquit River; and forested uplands. The property is part of the Mount Agamenticus Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance, is part of a rare Central Hardwoods Oak Forest Ecosystem, is within a large Undeveloped Habitat Block, contains documented populations of two rare plants, provides documented habitat for rare turtles, and abuts existing conservation land on the northeast, east, and south sides. GRWLT holds the conservation easement.